Mini Meal Plan

The Mini Meal Plan is a meal plan for students who live off campus in apartments or Greek houses, students living on campus in WSU apartments, and faculty and staff. Cougs can enjoy the convenience of eating on campus and the quality, customizable food that we serve—all while receiving a discount!
With a Mini Meal Plan, enjoy 25% off in the dining centers and a 5% off at espresso bars, Freshëns, Carlita's, and Einstein's Bros. Bagels. Simply use your CougarCard to pay for meals, just like a prepaid debit card.
Mini Meal Plan users receive a discount because they have paid the flat rate base fee, which covers the cost of facilities, maintenance, and a portion of staffing costs.
$50 Base Cost + $200 Dining Dollars = $250 Total Cost
25% Discount Locations:
- Southside Café
- Hillside Café
- Northside Café
5% Discount Locations:
- Southside Market and the Market on Cougar Way
- Coug Eats Late Night Delivery
- Espresso Bars
- Starbucks at the Spark building
- Carlita's
- Freshëns at the CUB
- Freshëns Fresh Food Studio at the Chinook
- Einstein Bros. Bagels

Using the Mini Meal Plan
Mini Meal Plans can be purchased and used anytime. Mini Meal Plans expire once you’ve owned the plan for at least 12 months, and haven’t spent any dining dollars for 6 months after that. For example, if you purchase a plan in May, 2024 and stop spending dining dollars the following May, 2025, your plan would expire in November, 2025.
If you are a student with a residential meal plan who is planning to leave the residence halls you have a one-time option to roll over your leftover meal plan dining dollars to the Mini Meal Plan for the following semester. All you need to do is purchase a Mini Meal Plan before the 10th day of classes of the semester following your departure. Your leftover dollars will automatically roll over and be added to your Mini Meal Plan Dining Dollars.
If you are a sophomore in standing or above, have at least one year of attendance at WSU, and continue living in a residence hall, participating in a meal plan is optional. You are eligible for the Resident Meal Plan or the Mini Meal Plan. Learn more about the benefits of repurchasing a plan.
Unlike our residential dining plan, additional Dining Dollars cannot be added to a Mini Meal Plan.
Mini Meal Plans are not refundable.