Dining Survey

We want your feedback!

Let your voice be heard and help us better the dining experience for all students on campus! Once you’ve completed the survey, enjoy a free fountain drink on us as a thank you. Follow the steps below to complete the survey:

  1. Open your student email and open the email titled “Dining Services Survey” from Dining Services
  2. Click the link in the email to begin the survey and log in using WSUID
  3. Answer the questions with your honest feedback
  4. Screenshot the ending screen where you will be rewarded with a free fountain drink. Show this screenshot at any Dining Services location to claim.

Please note: Your survey responses are confidential and will go directly to an independent third-party research firm. Also, your identity will not be associated with your responses.


Did you know that because of past student feedback we’ve…

  • Added more vegetarian and vegan options
  • Added retail options like Starbucks and Einstein’s Bros. Bagels
  • Added options like mobile order and pay

We’d love to hear feedback anytime! If you have more thoughts, share your comments at dining.wsu.edu/about/contact-us.

Man typing on computer
Exterior of Einstein's
Bowl of ramen with tofu
Girl smiling in front of Starbucks