Attendance & Substitutions
Assigned Shifts
When hired, you will be assigned shifts by management according to your availability. You are responsible for these shifts for the entire semester, including the last day of your unit’s operation. If you choose to drop a shift or resign, you must submit a written notice. You are still responsible for these shifts for the next two weeks or until the schedule has been filled.
Note: Management has the right to reassign duties and/or work locations within your assigned work schedule, based on operational needs.
Substitution policy
If you cannot work your shift for any reason other than being sick, you are responsible for finding a substitute. A substitute is an employee currently employed in your unit and who is able to work your designated shift. You can access coworker phone numbers on (W2W) to call and find a substitute. You must put your shift up for trade/drop on W2W. The employee who wants the shift must log into their W2W account and accept the offer of work. The shift is still considered yours until a Manager has approved the trade on W2W. If your shift remains unapproved and you have not previously been excused by your Manager, you will receive an unexcused absence if you do not report to work for the shift.
Finals Week Scheduling
You must work at least the same number of shifts and/or hours during finals week that you are regularly scheduled during the semester. The procedures for finals week scheduling may vary from unit to unit. If you are unable to work a scheduled shift due to a final, you will be required to work for someone else needing a substitute. Ask your manager for details.