Washington State University does not tolerate harassment. This is consistent with Executive Policy 15. In compliance with this, the University policy requires that all employees maintain professional relationships with students and supervisors.
WSU will not tolerate any type of abusive or harassing behavior (whether intended or perceived to be intimidating, hostile, or offensive) including, but not limited to, the following:
- Telling jokes of a racial, sexist, or sexual nature
- Making racial, ethnic, or sexual slurs
- Any communication, whether spoken, written, nonverbal, or pictorial, made for the purpose of intimidation or humiliation
- Sexual contact of any nature
- Abusive and foul language
- Displaying or posting pictures which could be offensive to others
If you feel you have been harassed, please contact your supervisor, WSU Ombudsman, or the Office of Compliance and Civil Rights.
Every effort will be made to maintain confidentiality as permitted by law and to protect the rights of both the complainant and the respondent.
A formal, on-campus investigation can be requested by contacting CCR. More information may be obtained from the following:
Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR)
French Administration Building, Room 225
PO BOX 641022, Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-1022
(509)335-8288 ccr@wsu.edu
University Ombudsman
2 Wilson Hall
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-4002
(509)335-1195 ombuds@wsu.edu